What is it like as a mother living in Germany and raising a family?
It can be hard at times. Especially when your kids wonders where their grandparents, aunt and uncles, and cousins are. Also the language barrier can be hard to overcome. But life here is a lot more layed back than the states, it seems to move at a slower pace.
How many kids do you want to have all together?
I want 4 but we'll have as many as the Lord sends us.
What is the hardest thing or things that you have ever done?
I think right now it would be being so far away from my family and friends. It's hard to see my family growing and I not being there to be part of it. Also It's hard for me to hear when my daughter asks to go to grandmas or to see her cousins. How do you explain to a 3 year old about duty and sacrafice.
Something that you consider to be YOUR Special talent? Okay this might be really cheesy but I think I'm a pretty good whistler:) Also I think I make some pretty yummy soups.
Where were you born and what was it like growing up?
I was born in Monte Grande, Argentina. I lived there for a couple of years and then moved to Provo, UT. Growing up in my household was a little different once we moved to the USA. From about 11yrs old and up I was in charge of taking care of my handicapped brother while my parents worked. But for the most part my house was loud and chaotic during family gatherings. And there was a lot of show of affection(especially when you didn't want any)
What inspires you to get through the day?
to see my kids play nice together or hear them tell me they love me. Seeing my husband after a long day at work. (on both ends)
What do you like most about your husband?
That he overlooks my short comings. that he likes my cooking. That he is a cuddle bug at all the right moments. That he is such a good father, and though he won't tell you this, that he is very patient with all of us. That he is patient enough to explain how something works over and over untill I understand. There is to much that I could say.
How have you changed as a person since you became a mom?
Wow tough question! I think I'm a little more patient. I'm less organized than I use to be. I don't take as much time on me in the morning. I'm not grossed out by things as much as I use to be. I'm a little more silly.
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