Tami Haws is my first mom so far
Tami and I have been friends for...lets see....about 14 years (wow!) well since we were in Junior High. Tami is amazing at anything that is crafty and she has painted a lot of beautiful pictures and is always thinking of new ways to be more creative. Tami has grown and changed so much in the last 10 years it is inspiring to me to think that someone can overcome so much and still come through happy and willing to help others who are in need. She now has a new charity open doors that helps handicapped kids in Africa. (her link is on the side bar of my blog). I am so happy and lucky to know Tami and I wish her all the happiness in the future!
Presenting TAMI HAWS

What is it like as a mother living in Wyoming?
You know it has been a great place to have our kids. It seems small but it actually isn't just everything is spread out. The people are very nice, old country charm I call it. Holding doors for you, saying good morning those kind of things. The schools here are great. Smaller class rooms so they get more one-on-one
What is it like being a mom of a handicapped child?
CHALLENGING, CHALLENGING, CHALLENGING, REWARDING REWARDING, REWARDING. To sum it up. It's very hard but at the same time since I have had our second son he is just as hard but in different ways. I have said before that I never knew what it was like to be so close to insanity until I had kids. But they send so many more blessings and life lessons in return.

How many kids do you want to have all together?
I would love, love to have 4. But with my diabetes and all the strain that has caught up to my body I don't know if I should, We're looking into other options. Realistically I would say 3 total.
What is the hardest thing or things that you have ever done?
Wow where do I start with this one, Being a single mom of a handicapped child at the age of 17, Getting a divorce, Having Diabetes and all the baggage that comes with that, Marriage is a tough one sometimes for me, it's definitely a full time job. Almost losing Jaxson when he had his hip surgery. Going through all his other surgeries, and planning his future surgeries. Sounds dumb and selfish but being so far away from everyone back home is very hard on me. I'm not sure if this answered your question
Something that you consider to be YOUR Special talent?
To sum this one up, anything that has to do with craft's or ANY kind of art, painting sculpting etc. Making something great out of something from a thrift store or the dollar store. I'm proud of that one.
Where were you born and what was it like growing up?
Provo Utah, I love my childhood. I was always out side up a tree or playing with dirt. My family was always close my Aunts uncles cousins grandparents and great grandparents. I loved it. Getting diabetes when I was 3 was the only bad thing, at the time.
What inspires you to get through the day?
That there is a warm bed waiting for me at the end of the day. Hee Hee! My kids, making sure they have a good, safe life and that even though my job as a mother gets over looked time and time again. I take great comfort that I am making a huge difference somewhere. Hopefully :)
What do you like most about your husband?
He teaches me so many things and he doesn't even know what he's doing. To follow through with things, to be the best I can be and that he knows I can do what ever I put my mind too. He is a great motivator. He finishes everything he starts. And only sometimes do I love that after 16 years he know literally EVERYTHING about me. Most of all he is a great father and husband. We both had to go through a lot of life before we got here, but I wouldn't have it any other way

How have you changed as a person since you became a mom?
I don't take as long to get ready for the day. Not by choice, Becca knows what I'm talking about. Really I'm not sure, I've been doing it for so long. Patients is probably a big one.
What a great idea Becca!
that's awesome
I don't know if this is a stupid thing to post. This is for anyone that likes Avocados but hates the prices. I have been watching at Sams they may do this at Costco too. They have a bag of 5 big avocados for normally $5 but if you keep an eye on them when they get real ripe (but are still perfect) the price goes down. I got the bag for $3 the other day and they were perfect and ready to use within a couple days. Avocados are my favorite and my boy's love them as well as a snack. Sometimes you can get them cheaper in the store, but when you can't Sams always does this as a quick sale. So keep an eye out everyone.
This was really fun to read, Tami is the bomb. I love that girls guts. I love what you have done with this blog, its fun to check on it from day to day. And I love how random Tami just posted Avocadoes prices. lol
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